Mr David Gerald

Mr David Gerald

Founder, President & CEO

Mr Loh Uantchern

Mr Loh Uantchern

Vice President

Mr Ang Hao Yao

Mr Ang Hao Yao

Honorary Secretary

Mr Robson Lee

Mr Robson Lee

Asst. Honorary Secretary

Mr Srinivasan Venkita Padmanabhan

Mr Srinivasan Venkita Padmanabhan

Honorary Treasurer

Mr David Toh

Mr David Toh

Asst. Honorary Treasurer

Mr Andrew Liew

Mr Andrew Liew

Committee Member

Mr Christopher Tan

Mr Christopher Tan

Committee Member

Dr Joshua Kuma

Dr Joshua Kuma

Committee Member

Ms Linda Hoon

Ms Linda Hoon

Committee Member

Ms May Loh

Ms May Loh

Committee Member

Mr Melvin Yong

Mr Melvin Yong

Committee Member


Audit & Risk Sub Committee

The Committee oversees and appraises the nature and extent of the audit process carried out by the external auditors. It also reviews the findings of the external auditors relating to their assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the significant internal controls, including operational and financial controls and compliance controls, and risk management processes and evaluated adherence to established policies, processes and practices. It reviews the actions proposed to be taken by the management to address the findings of the auditors and undertakes the review of the financial statements with the external auditors and recommended to the MC for approval.

Mr Loh Uantchern
(Chairman, Asia Pacific, Black Sun Group / Vice President, SIAS)

Deputy Chairman
Mr Melvin Yong
(Country Head, Singapore, CPA Australia Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)

Mr Benjamin Thong
(Managing Director, Head of Singapore Office, Perun Consultants Ltd)

Mr Koh Yong Chuan
(Corporate Auditor, Chevron)

Constitution Amendment Sub Committee

To amend the Constitution to plug the gaps and provide provisions to cater for the future needs.

Mr David Gerald
(Founder, President & CEO, SIAS)

Mr Ang Hao Yao
(Chairman, Credit Counselling Singapore / Honorary Secretary, SIAS)

Ms Linda Hoon
(Director, Oaks Legal LLC / Independent Director, Far East Group Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)

Mr Loh Uantchern
(Chairman, Asia Pacific, Black Sun Group / Vice President, SIAS)

Ms May Loh
(Partner, DGA-Albright Stonebridge Group, Head, Singapore Office / Committee Member, SIAS)

Mr Robson Lee
(Partner, Kennedys Law LLP / Asst. Honorary Secretary, SIAS)

Corporate Governance Sub Committee

The CG Sub-Committee seeks to advance the interests of investors by reviewing and making recommendations through SIAS’ Management Committee to such regulatory bodies with a view to improve legislation and best practices in the transparency, corporate governance and corporate actions of listed companies, other entities and investment instruments.


Mr Ang Hao Yao
(Chairman, Credit Counselling Singapore / Honorary Secretary, SIAS)

Deputy Chairman
Ms May Loh
(Partner, DGA-Albright Stonebridge Group, Head, Singapore Office / Committee Member, SIAS)

Ms Goh Puay Cheh
(CEO, CFA Society Singapore)

Mr Lau Kah Hee
(Director, Mediator, Commissioner for Oaths, BC Lim & Lau LLC)

Mr Richard Dyason
(Executive Director, The Institute of Internal Auditors Singapore)

Digital and IT Sub Committee

To consider and recommend solutions for any IT or Digital issues the association may face. The committee may also recommend how SIAS can position itself to face technology challenges in the future.

Mr Melvin Yong
(Country Head, Singapore, CPA Australia Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)

Deputy Chairman
Mr Loh Uantchern
(Chairman, Asia Pacific, Black Sun Group / Vice President, SIAS)

Mr Srinivasan Venkita
(Co–Founder of WEFAA Robotics, Mentor & Senior Accredited Board Director / Honorary Treasurer, SIAS)

Green & Sustainable Securities Investment Sub Committee

The Green and Sustainable Sub Committee aims to develop a structured approach to:

1. Provide appropriate education and training for investors on the benefits of sustainable investing;
2. Provide information on green and sustainable securities and the products that are available in the capital market;
3. To encourage shareholder participation in promoting sustainability among corporations towards fostering sustainable and responsible business behaviour;
4. Provide policy suggestions under green and sustainability for the benefit of relevant authorities; and
5. Organise events for corporations to share with investors their sustainability journeys and the value add for shareholders.

Dr Joshua Kuma
(Managing Director, EQT Partners Asia Pte Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)

Ms Koh Han Wei
(PhD Student, Singapore Management University)

Mr Loh Uantchern
(Chairman, Asia Pacific, Black Sun Group / Vice President, SIAS)

Mr Srinivasan Venkita
(Co–Founder of WEFAA Robotics, Mentor & Senior Accredited Board Director / Honorary Treasurer, SIAS)

Investor Education Sub Committee

The main task of this Committee is to formulate a broad-based systematic approach to provide education and information so as to instil a culture of correct attitude towards investments and processes to enable individuals to grow their wealth systematically.

Mr David Gerald
(Founder, President & CEO, SIAS)

Mr Andrew Liew
(Chairman, Arts & Disability Singapore / Committee Member, SIAS)

Mr Christopher Tan
(CEO, Providend Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)

Mr Melvin Yong
(Country Head, Singapore, CPA Australia Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)


Investor Rights Sub Committee

The Investor Rights Committee generally identifies efforts and activities to observe, safeguard, improve and advance the rights and claims of an investor, in their investments. This will include identifying gaps and market inefficiencies (e.g. trading issues, glitches, scams), review product structures to enhance investor protection (e.g. SPACs, SIPs and bond frameworks) and advance shareholder rights (in corporate actions, liquidation etc). This committee will comprise of industry leaders. This Committee’s focus will also include:

1. To review the current positions taken by SIAS on investor rights and recommend to Management Committee any proposed changes and where a position had not been taken to advise SIAS accordingly;
2. To assist the President to ensure the press statements issued by him on behalf of SIAS are aligned with the Association’s stand on various investor rights’ issues;
3. To monitor company activities and develop SIAS position papers as and when necessary to protect and advance the interests of all investors in Singapore;
4. Improve quality of engagement at company general meetings

Mr David Gerald
(Founder, President & CEO, SIAS)

Deputy Chairman
Ms Linda Hoon
(Director, Oaks Legal LLC / Independent Director, Far East Group Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)

Mr Ang Hao Yao
(Chairman, Credit Counselling Singapore / Honorary Secretary, SIAS)

Mr Joshua Kuma
(Managing Director, EQT Partners Asia Pte Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)

Mr Robson Lee
(Partner, Kennedys Law LLP / Asst. Honorary Secretary, SIAS)

Ms Shobna Chandran
(Managing Director, Shobna Chandran LLC)

Legal Affairs & Discipline Committee

Any legal issue affecting the Association shall be handled by this Committee which will make recommendation to the Management Committee. It will also be in-charge of members’ discipline as per the Constitution.

Mr Robson Lee
(Partner, Kennedys Law LLP / Asst. Honorary Secretary, SIAS)

Mr Andrew Liew
(Chairman, Arts & Disability Singapore / Committee Member, SIAS)

Ms Linda Hoon
(Director, Oaks Legal LLC / Independent Director, Far East Group Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)

Mr Srinivasan Venkita
(Co–Founder of WEFAA Robotics, Mentor & Senior Accredited Board Director / Honorary Treasurer, SIAS)

Membership Sub Committee

The Membership Sub-Committee will make recommendation on how SIAS could increase its ordinary/voting membership. It will review the current categories of membership available and recommend any changes to the categories and membership fee chargeable. It will also look into the types of membership promotional activities and set targets and guidelines for the membership department to implement.

Mr Andrew Liew
(Chairman, Arts & Disability Singapore / Committee Member, SIAS)

Deputy Chairman
Mr David Gerald
(Founder, President & CEO, SIAS)

Ms Beryl Leong
(Head, Business Development & Marketing, Asia Pacific, Black Sun Global)

Ms Linda Hoon
(Director, Oaks Legal LLC / Independent Director, Far East Group Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)

Mr Melvin Tan
(Founder, Hinterland Group)

Mr Melvin Yong
(Country Head, Singapore, CPA Australia Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)

Nomination Sub Committee

The Nomination Committee is a Constitutional appointment by the Management Committee. The objective of the Nomination Committee is to lead the process of selection of the most suitable candidate or candidates for appointment to the Management Committee and to make recommendations to the Management Committee.

The Nomination Committee reviews the applications from Ordinary members intending to stand for the Management Committee, at least 21 days from the Annual General Meeting, and submits to the Nomination Committee for approval within 7 days of submission. Once the Nomination Committee has approved the nomination, election will follow at the Annual General Meeting with a simple majority.

The Nomination Committee ensures that the candidate is of good standing, is free from any criminal record, is not an undischarged bankrupt and is able to contribute to SIAS. The candidate should not have been removed from any Committee or Member of an Organisation for poor performance, neglect or unruly conduct.

Mr Ng Siew Quan
(Partner, PwC Singapore)

Mr Robert Yeo
(Former Executive Director & CEO, STADA)

Mr Vincent Chen
(Private Investor, Former Banker)

Remuneration & Human Resource Sub Committee

The Remuneration & HR Committee assists the MC in developing formal and transparent policies on remuneration matters. The committee also approves appointments, promotions/removals and remuneration matters for senior management. This Committee will provide industry guidelines suitable to the Association and recommend changes to the current employment practices, if necessary. The introduction of a Staff Handbook will be under the purview of this Committee. It will provide advice and guidance to the Chief Executive, when requested.

Mr Loh Uantchern
(Chairman, Asia Pacific, Black Sun Group / Vice President, SIAS)

Mr David Toh
(Risks & Controls and Internal Audit Leader, PwC Singapore / Asst. Honorary Treasurer, SIAS)

Mr Melvin Yong
(Country Head, Singapore, CPA Australia Ltd / Committee Member, SIAS)

Mr Robson Lee
(Partner, Kennedys Law LLP / Asst. Honorary Secretary, SIAS)