speakers list

Mr. Adrian Chan
Senior Partner and Head of the Corporate DepartmentLee & Lee
Adrian is Head of the Corporate Department at the law firm, Lee & Lee. He is a Board member of the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore and chairs its Institute of Corporate Law Panel.
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Mr. Ang Hao Yao, CFA
ChairmanSata CommHealth
Mr. Ang, a member of the Charity Council is a private investor with over 20 years of experience. He is also the Chairman of Sata CommHealth a medical charity and had chaired the Investment and Finance Committee from 2008-2012 where he remains a member.
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Mr. Arthur Wu
CFA, CAIA, FRM, Senior Analyst, Manager ResearchMorningstar Research Pte Ltd
Mr. Arthur Wu is a senior analyst of manager research for Morningstar Research Pte Ltd. He is responsible for qualitative research on investment managers and funds in Asia. His previous role with Morningstar as senior investment analyst involves leading numerous projects...
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Ms. Belinda Lee
Head, Investor Relations & Corporate CommunicationsCity Developments Limited
Ms Belinda Lee joined CDL in 2004 to head the Corporate Communications department. For over 10 years, she spearheaded the company’s strategic communications and corporate branding initiatives.
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Ms. Catherine Loh
Chief Executive OfficerCommunity Foundation of Singapore (CFS)
Catherine Loh is the Chief Executive Officer of the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS), an organisation that provides philanthropy advisory services and grant-making services to donors who wish to set up their own charitable funds.
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Mr. Chan Wan Hong
Senior PartnerDentons Rodyk
Chan Wan Hong is a senior partner in Dentons Rodyk's Corporate practice, focusing on corporate finance and capital markets, mergers and acquisitions and venture capital investments.
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Ms. Chia Hui Kheng
Managing DirectorCitigate Dewe Rogerson i.MAGE Pte Ltd
Hui Kheng is Managing Director of Citigate Dewe Rogerson i.MAGE Pte Ltd. With more than 18 years’ experience in journalism and communications, she advises listed and non-listed companies across diverse sectors ...
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Mr. Chua Wei Bin
Director, Allied Health and Resource DevelopmentNational Kidney Foundation
Mr Chua Wei Bin is currently the Director of Allied Health and Resource Development of the National Kidney Foundation. He has been working in the non profit sector for twelve years ...
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Mr. David Christopherson
Group Chief Executive& Founding Partner
Black Sun
Following a career in the City David founded Black Sun in 1992, taking over as CEO of the business in 2003. Under his leadership Black Sun has become a leading international stakeholder ...
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Mr. David Gerald J
FounderPresident and CEO
Securities Investors Association (Singapore)
Mr. David Gerald was a former Magistrate, Coroner, Deputy Public Prosecutor and State Counsel in the Singapore Legal Service, is the Founder, President and CEO of Securities Investors Association...
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Dr. David Smith
Head of Corporate GovernanceAberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited
David Smith is Head of Corporate Governance, a role in which he supports Aberdeen’s Asian Equities and Fixed Income TeaMs. through research and engagement. David joined Aberdeen in 2011 from ISS, where he was Head of Asia (ex-Japan) Research.
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Mr. David Wong
Board Member, Methodist Welfare ServicesCharity Council Member
David Wong is a Board member and former Chairman of the Methodist Welfare Services, and has, over the years, served in various leadership roles within the Methodist church in Singapore. He was also formerly the President of the YMCA of Singapore.
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Ms. Deevya Desai
Regional Head, Public Affairs,Grab
Deevya is the Regional Head of Public Affairs at Grab. She oversees Grab's social impact initiatives and leads research projects that measure Grab's social impact across the region Prior to Grab, Deevya was a lawyer and advised governments on Dr. afting effective policy.
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Mr. Dennis Lee
DirectorRisk Advisory, RSM
Dennis is a director in the firm’s Risk Advisory division with 15 years of audit, internal audit and risk management experience. He has been actively involved in providing internal audit and enterprise risk management services to Singapore listed companies, fund management companies...
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Mr. Derrick Lim
Head of Internal Audit, SIA, SAC Internal Audit Leaders CouncilDerrick currently heads the Internal Audit of the SIA group of companies. He has spent about 20 years in various roles in Hewlett Packard and Compaq Computers including Asia Pacific IA Director, and has also held audit roles in Manufacturers Hanover Trust Bank and KPMG New Zealand...
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Prof. Erik P.M. Vermeulen
Professor of Business & Financial Law, Department of Business LawTilburg University
I am passionate about building successful businesses that have the capacity to transform people’s lives. However, my experience as Head of Governance of Philips Lighting has taught me that the real challenge is not starting a business, but maintaining and sustaining...
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Mr. Eugene Wong
FounderSirius Venture Capital
Eugene Wong is the managing director of Sirius Venture Capital, which he founded in 2002. Sirius partners with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), investing in their growth and helping them improve their corporate governance and growth strategies.Today, Eugene is a non-executive vice-chairman of... read more

Ms. Esther An
Chief Sustainability OfficerCity Developments Limited
Esther joined City Developments Limited (CDL) in 1995 to set up the Company's Corporate Communications department and subsequently established its CSR/Sustainability portfolio. A pioneer CSR practitioner for over 20 years, she is instrumental in building up CDL's leadership in Sustainability.
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Mr. Ezekiel Tan
General Secretary/CEOThe Bible Society of Singapore (BSS)
Ezekiel Tan the General Secretary/CEO of The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS). It is one of the oldest not-for-profit organisations in Singapore, which started its work in 1823 and was formally registered in 1837.
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Ms. Fang Eu-Lin
PartnerPwC Singapore
Ms. Fang Eu-Lin is a partner at PwC Singapore. She leads the Sustainability and Climate Change practice in Singapore which focuses on sustainability reporting and sustainability assurance and advisory. She is also a member of the sustainability reporting committee of ISCA.
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Mr. Gerard Ee
ChairmanCharity Council
Mr Gerard Ee is the Chairman of the Charity Council and the President of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA), and serves as Chairman of the ISCA Executive Committee.
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Mr. Gunter Dufey
Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan Business School, Consultant on the Faculty of Banking and FinanceNanyang Business School
Gunter Dufey or "GD" as he is known among friends and colleagues, is Professor Emeritus of The University of Michigan Ross School in Ann Arbor, MI USA and Consultant on the faculty of Banking and Finance...
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Dr. Hans-Christoph Hirt
Co-HeadHermes Equity Ownership
Services Ltd
Dr. Hans-Christoph Hirt is an executive director and board member at Hermes EOS and as Co-Head of the organisation is responsible for the sustainable success of the business. Hans leads and oversees the global engagement programme and the quality of the services Hermes...
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Mr. Hooi Yu Koh
CEO and Managing DirectorKori Holding Limited
Mr. Hooi Yu Koh is our CEO and Managing Director and was appointed as a Director of our Company on 18 May 2012 and was last re-elected on 26 April 2013. Mr. Hooi first joined our Group in 1996 and has served as our CEO and Managing Director since October 2005.
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Prof. Ho Yew Kee
Head, Department of Accounting of the NUS Business SchoolThe National University of Singapore
Professor Ho Yew Kee is the Head, Department of Accounting of the NUS Business School, The National University of Singapore. He is an accountant by training and he is a Fellow CPA Australia and a Chartered Accountant Singapore.
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Ms. Jacqueline Loke
Senior PartnerDentons Rodyk
Jacqueline Loke is a senior partner in Dentons Rodyk's Corporate practice including corporate finance and securities law, mergers and acquisitions, unit trust and asset management, regulatory matters and corporate governance.
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Mr. Jonathan Labrey
Chief Strategy OfficerInternational Integrated Reporting Council
Jonathan Labrey leads the IIRC’s global policy work, which aiMs. to create the conditions for Integrated Reporting to flourish. Since joining the IIRC in March 2012, Jonathan has travelled widely and has developed a deep insight into the major trends and policy developments in corporate reporting across the world.
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Mr. Kenneth Yap
Chief ExecutiveACRA
Mr. Kenneth Yap is the Chief Executive of the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) since 1 Feb 2013. He directs and oversees the operations of ACRA which is the national regulator of business entities, public accountants and corporate service providers in Singapore. This includes the formulation of...
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Mr. Keoy Soo Earn
Regional Managing PartnerFinancial Advisory Services
Deloitte Southeast Asia
Keoy Soo Earn leads the Deloitte Southeast Asia Financial Advisory Services and Mergers & Acquisitions practice. He has extensive experience in leading and supporting strategic investors, financial investors and lenders in their domestic and cross border transactions.
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Mrs. Lee Suet-Fern
Managing PartnerMorgan Lewis Stamford
Lee Suet-Fern is the managing partner of Morgan Lewis Stamford, the Singapore office of Morgan Lewis, a leading global law firm, where she is also a member of the Board. Over the past 20 years, she has served on the boards of public listed companies in Singapore, Hong Kong, Europe and elsewhere.
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Mr. Loh Uantchern
CEO, Asia PacificBlack Sun
Uantchern is the CEO, Asia Pacific for Black Sun, an international market leader in stakeholder communications. Through inspiring communications that reach, engage and influence stakeholders, Black Sun helps to create more valued businesses.
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Mr. Marcus Lam
Partner, Head of General AssurancePricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Marcus Lam is an Assurance Partner with over 20 years of professional experience in Assurance services, servicing both local and multinational clients across a wide range of industries, including E&M, treasury, technology and trading.
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Mr. Mark Laudi
Managing DirectorHong Bao Media
Mark Laudi is a mentor in media and presentation skills to C-suite executives, elected politicians and senior government officials, and a sought-after speaker, conference anchor and panel moderator at business conferences.
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Mr. Melvin Yong
Country Head – SingaporeCPA Australia
As the Country Head for Singapore at CPA Australia, Melvin leads CPA Australia’s initiatives to grow and serve its 7,500 strong membership in Singapore through a combination of events and services to engage members.
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Mr. Neal Cross
Managing DirectorChief Innovation Officer
DBS Bank
Neal Cross is Managing Director and Chief Innovation Officer of DBS Bank and a strong advocate for innovation thinking and culture. Cross is Dr. iving the bank’s innovation agenda regionally, as DBS moves to shape the future of banking, to enhance customer experience and better...
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Dr. Ow Chee Chung
CEOKwong Wai Shiu Hospital
Dr Ow Chee Chung is currently the CEO of Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital. The hospital is in the midst of major redevelopment to build an Integrated Nursing Home and Community Hub. It will double both its inpatient and outpatient capacity.
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Mr. Patrick Nathan
Vice President, Corporate Information and CommunicationsSMRT Corporation
Patrick Nathan heads SMRT’s Corporate Information and Communications Division, which includes the Corporate Marketing and Communications Department, Passenger Service Department as well as the Information Fusion Centre.
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Mr. Paul Tan
Managing DirectorCA TRUST PAC
Paul Tan is the Managing Director of CA TRUST PAC, a Public Accounting Corporation with more than 80 professional staff members. He has more than 25 years of audit and assurance experience working in public accounting firms and a 2-year stint as an internal auditor of a Singapore public listed company.
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Mr. Pong Chen Yih
Principal, Corporate & SecuritiesBaker & McKenzie.Wong & Leow
Chen Yih is a Principal in the Corporate & Securities team at Baker & McKenzie.Wong & Leow. Chen Yih heads the Singapore domestic capital markets group and his practice focuses on advising issuers and underwriters on raising capital on the Singapore Exchange.
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Ms. Pru Bennett
DirectorInvestment Stewardship
Pru Bennett, Director, is Head of BlackRock's Investment Stewardship team, for the Asia Pacific Region based in Hong Kong. In this role, Pru is responsible for leading BlackRock’s stewardship efforts covering engagement and voting in Asia, Japan, Australia and New Zealand on behalf of BlackRock’s clients...
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Mr. Robson Lee
PartnerGibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Robson Lee is a partner in the Singapore office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. He is a member of the firm’s Mergers & Acquisitions and Capital Markets Practice Groups. With more than 20 years of experience, Mr. Lee focuses his practice on M&A, corporate finance and capital markets.
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Dr. Roger Barker
Senior Consultant, Corporate Governance, Institute of Directors, Chairman, Global Corporate Governance Conference Advisory CouncilDr. Roger Barker is a consultant specialising in Corporate Governance and Board Effectiveness. Between 2008 and 2016, he was Director of Corporate Governance and Professional Standards at the Institute of Directors (IoD).
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Ms. Sallie Pilot
Director of Planning and Strategy,Black Sun Plc
Sallie is responsible for setting overall strategic direction for client work and the integrity of all of Black Sun’s research and analysis of the marketplace. For Black Sun, corporate reporting is at the heart of everything we so and we see it is a powerful platform to help Boards define and communicate their value creation story internally and externally
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Mr. Shivaji Das
Partner And Global Head, Public Sector Consulting PracticeFrost & Sullivan
Shivaji heads the Public Sector Consulting Practice at Frost & Sullivan. He has over 12 years of experience in strategy consulting and his focus areas includes economic modeling, trade and FDI analysis, public policy development, demographic sciences...
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Mr. Sovann Giang
Senior DirectorRisk Advisory, RSM
Sovann is Senior Director of Risk Advisory where he advises and conducts training for boards on effective board oversight, corporate governance, listing rules, risk management, charity regulations, growth planning, M&A, profit improvement, family governance and succession planning.
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Mr. Tay Woon Teck
Managing DirectorRisk Advisory, RSM
Woon Teck is currently our Managing Director in RSM’s Risk Advisory division. He works closely with Boards and the C-suite in designing a risk management framework that links corporate strategies to risk management activities, corporate governance and internal control activities.
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Ms. Turid Solvang
Chair, ecoDa (European Confederation of Directors Associations)Co-Founder Norwegian Institute of Directors
Turid Elisabeth Solvang is managing director of the Norwegian Institute of Directors and chairs the board of European Confederation of Directors’ Associations, where, as a board member since 2011, she has contributed to initiatives in such areas as governance policy, nomination, evaluation, and diversity.
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Mr. Vincent Chen
Lead Independent DirectorSuntec REIT
Mr. Vincent Chen is the Lead Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of the manager of Suntec REIT. In the past, he had served as an independent director of a number of other SGX-listed companies.
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Ms. Yeo Lian Sim
Special AdviserSGX
Lian Sim is Special Adviser at the Singapore Exchange (SGX) after 10 years as head of regulation and risk management. As regulator, she had charge of listed companies, member brokers and trading surveillance for a fair, orderly and transparent market. Risk management responsibilities...
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