Interpreting Annual Reports for Stock Selection – Stage 2

Fee (Member):
S$ 150
Fee (Non-member):
S$ 200
Fee (Student member):
S$ 0
November 7, 2009 @ 11:30 am – 2:30 pm
Agape School Of Education
520 North bridge Road
Wisma Alsagoff Building
Level 5 Singapore 188742

OBJECTIVES: To provide participants who have attended the basic course (Stage 1) on interpreting annual reports the ability to invest wisely in the Stock Market

Mr. James Leong
FCPA, CA(Aust), CA(M’sia), CFPCM, FChFP, DTM
Mr Leong has more than 20 years of international experience in auditing, accounting, financial management, financial planning and lecturing. As a former auditor and a regional financial controller with a US MNC, Mr Leong has audited and prepared annual reports in his corporate career. As a consultant, he has conducted numerous training workshops for companies including DBS Bank, UOB Bank, OCBC Bank, Sumito-Mitsui Banking Corporation, Great Eastern Life and Prudential Assurance. His passion in teaching has seen him taught at various educational institutions including National University of Singapore, Nanyang Polytechnic, Victoria University of Technology and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.
Please note that you must have basic knowledge in the following areas in order to apply for the Annual Report Stage 2 Course:

** NTA, PE, ROA, ROE, Margin, Gearing, EPS ** Basic Accounting Terminologies (e.g. : assets, liabilities, capital) ** Interpretation of Profit and Loss Statement **Interpretation of Cash Flow Statements ** Interpretation of Balance Sheet

Session 1
Session 2
Click here to find out the importance of financial statements”
Date : 7 Nov 2009 (Saturday)
14 Nov 2009 (Saturday)
Time : 2pm – 5pm
* Following online registration for the above seminar/workshop, please make payment via:
Crossed and made payable to ‘SIAS’.
Indicate full name, NRIC, contact.
To be paid at SIAS office.

Securities Investors Association (Singapore)
75 Neil Road, Singapore 088902 | Tel: 65 62272683 | Fax: 65 62206614 | Email: