Closing Address By Mr David Gerald, Founder / President / CEO, SIAS at Global Corporate Governance Conference on 12 November 2013

Date: November 12, 2013

Thank you very much, all of you for attending this two days conference. Six months of preparation, my staff over there worked day and night, will you please show your appreciation to Pauline and the team.

I’m particularly grateful to Professor Mak Yuen Teen, Chris Bennett and the advisory team Roger Barker from London, and Gordon Seymour from PCAOB. We put I think, a reflective views, many of you have given very good feedback on this conference that you found the speakers excellent, you found that content of the discussion very inspiring, encouraging, informative and in-depth discussions. Here is one that I think sums up the feedback we have been receiving, “This conference is such an excellent effort, please keep on organising this, thank you”.

So ladies and gentlemen, we are very glad that you enjoyed the two- days conference, and I we assure you that there will be more, please keep coming. Thank you very much.


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