Press Statement: SIAS rejuvenates Management Committee

Date: October 28, 2015

SIAS is pleased to announce the election of the SIAS 8th Management Committee. At the latest Annual General Meeting held on 26 October, SIAS members elected the new Management Committee (MC) including 4 new MC members – Mr Harold Woo, Senior Advisor, Investor & Partner Relations, CapitaLand, Mr Melvin Yong, Country Head – Singapore, CPA Australia, Mr Andrew Liew, Financial Consultant, Financial Access, and Mr Ang Hao Yao, Chairman Sata CommHealth and Private Investor, Trader Investment Pte Ltd. The new officers bring with them a variety of experience that will help SIAS to further strengthen it’s mission.

This comes after 4 previous Management Committee members stepped down to make way for new blood, including Mr Andrew Cheng and Mr Christopher Cheong ,who had served the SIAS Management Committee since its inception. This is part of an on-going exercise to renew the Management Committee as well as succession planning. The renewal supports SIAS’ new status as a registered charity and Institution of Public Character (IPC) which it recently on 6 August 2015.

“I am indeed thankful for the substantial contributions of Andrew Cheng and Christopher Cheong, who have been with me since the CLOB days. They will be missed. The focus of the new Management Committee is to support the Association’s new status as a Charity and IPC, strengthen the investor base and embark on succession planning. I welcome the new members and look forward to working closely with them to take SIAS to the next level,” Mr David Gerald, President and CEO, SIAS .

The new Committee is as follows for 2015-2017:

SIAS Management Committee for 2015-2017
Name Position Standing For Current Position Held
1. David Gerald J President CEO, SIAS /
Member, Listing Advisory Committee, SGX
2. Loh Uantchern Vice President Governor, IIA Singapore / CEO, SAC /
Committee Member, SIAS
3. Harold Woo NEW Hon. Secretary President of IRPAS (Investor Relations Professionals Association (Singapore)
4. Robson Lee Asst. Hon Secretary Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP/
Asst. Hon. Secretary, SIAS
5. Robin Chin Hon. Treasurer Senior Partner, Foo Kon Tan LLP /
Committee Member, SIAS
6. Jeremy Goh Asst. Hon. Treasurer Assoc. Prof. of Finance, SMU /
Committee Member
7. Christopher Tan Committee Member CEO, Providend Ltd /
Committee Member
8. Melvin Yong NEW Committee Member Country Head – Singapore, CPA Australia
9. Andrew Liew NEW Committee Member Financial Consultant, Financial Access /
Fmr Head, SGX Retail /
Fmr Head, Retail ABN, & OCBC
10. Ang Hao Yao NEW Committee Member Chairman, SATA CommHealth /
Private Investor, Trader Investment Pte Ltd