EC World REIT Rides E-Commerce Boom

Date: February 16, 2018

 kopi-C: the Company brew

Mkt Cap S$M 588
% Price Change since IPO* -6.2
% Price Change YTD 0.0
% Price – Div Adj. YTD 2.0
% Price – Div Adj. [6 Months] 2.0
Historical High Price 0.815
Historical High Date
Historical Low Price 0.695
Historical Low Date 20/2/17
% Annualised Yld 7.5
P/B 0.8

Source: SGX StockFacts (5 April 2017)

*Listing date: 28 July 2016

Ask Alvin Cheng to define his management philosophy, and he will tell you it’s all about being entrusted to add value. 

The Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the manager of SGX-listed EC World REIT places a premium on the values of humility, gratitude and positiveness.

“The more responsibility you take on, the more humble you need to become,” said Cheng, who has more than three decades of experience in corporate finance and REIT management.

Ask Alvin Cheng to define his management philosophy, and he will tell you it’s all about being entrusted to add value.

The Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the manager of SGX-listed EC World REIT places a premium on the values of humility, gratitude and positiveness.

“The more responsibility you take on, the more humble you need to become,” said Cheng, who has more than three decades of experience in corporate finance and REIT management.

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