Extraordinary General Meeting

Date: June 9, 2015


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That an Extra Ordinary General Meeting will be held on
25 June 2015 (Thursday) at 7.30pm
at MND Function Room, 9 Maxwell Road, MND Building Annexe A Singapore 069112


To approve the amendments to SIAS Constitution as follows:

1. To appoint new auditors, RSM Chio Lim, following the resignation of current auditors Plan Partners PAC.
2. To approve the amendments to SIAS Constitution as follows:
To amend error in clause 21.2 by deleting the words “and the remaining funds will be disposed of in such manner as the General Meeting of members may determine or donated to an approved charity or charities in Singapore”.

Only Founder & Ordinary Members can attend and vote at this Meeting.

Mr Loh Uantchern
Hon. Secretary, SIAS

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