President’s Message – July 2024

Date: July 3, 2024

Greetings members and subscribers,

I am pleased to inform you that July promises to be a month packed with useful and interesting events for all investors.

As this is being written, the local banks are surging to new all-time highs and pushing the Straits Times Index to fresh highs for this year. Singtel has also performed very well in recent weeks despite concerns relating to its Australian subsidiary Optus.

There is also plenty of activity in Jardine stocks and those in the offshore marine sector. So who says the local stock market is boring?

On that note, the first event for you to look forward to is Moofest 2024 which takes place on Saturday 6 July. At this event, our own Senior Editor and Trainer R. Sivanithy will be taking part in a panel discussion on why the Singapore stock market is a bright spot for investors.

The other panellists include noted economist Song Seng Wun, the founder of Beansprout Gerald Wong and Marcus Ng, from Societe General’s Asia Pacific Global Markets.

Following this, will be corporate briefings with Singtel on 8 July, NetLink NBN Trust on 9 July and SingPost on 11 July. These will be held at our Training Room and will feature senior management of these companies.

On Friday 12 July, SIAS will be hosting our Members Night at One Farrer Hotel. I hope as many as you can attend to help us celebrate our 25th anniversary – our Guest-of-Honour will be Health Minister Ong Ye Kung and apart from a sumptuous 8-course Chinese banquet, there are great prizes to be won!

The month continues with our regular Ask SIAS session on 17 July and then our educational seminar on REITs on 18 July. Last but by no means least is a Corporate Connect Session on 23 July featuring IHH Healthcare which you can attend online and ask questions about the company whose senior management will be present.

I wish you an enjoyable July and happy investing!


David Gerald
Founder, President & CEO, SIAS

3 July 2024

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