Press Statement – Appointment of John Lim, co-founder of ARA Asset Management, ARA Group as Patron of SIAS

Date: January 4, 2019

SIAS is pleased to announce that Mr John Lim, co-founder of ARA Asset Management, ARA Group as Patron of SIAS with effect from 1st January 2019.

Our constitution provides for the appointment of a Patron : “The Management Committee may also appoint a person who has made valuable contributions to the Association especially to further the interests of minority shareholders, as Patron for such period as the Management Committee may deem fit. However, the number of Patrons appointed may not exceed three (3) at any given time. ”

Mr John Lim has been a believer and supporter of our objectives. On why he accepted our invitation to be our patron he said : “SIAS is well-recognised for its excellent work in the area of corporate governance, investor education and financial literacy. As a supporter of strong corporate governance, I would like to thank SIAS for this honourable appointment. I look forward to contributing to SIAS’ relentless efforts in building an educated, engaged and empowered investment community. ”

SIAS looks forward to Mr John Lim’s guidance and support to SIAS in his efforts for the betterment of retail investors.

David Gerald J
for Management Committee

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